Our Solutions

BlueStar’s eDiscovery process and custom workflows allow you to quickly find relevant information saving valuable time and resources. Our high capacity capabilities enable us to process any size data set and meet the most demanding deadlines. BlueStar knows that the information you receive must be seamlessly integrated with your own systems. Therefore, we custom fit every deliverable to your specifications.

Hosted eDiscovery


Over 10,000 matters hosted since 2013

Over 1,000,0000 documents processed

Full service, secure, hosted data processing, analytics & review solutions

Relativity Analytics

Artificial Intelligence


Attorney Review

700 Attorney reviewers currently reviewing documents nationwide

12 contract attorneys and paralegals working at Disney today

70 Attorneys placed at Disney and 6 converted

On-site or remote options

Disney team has a 20-year tenure in the industry, 15 years working together

4,500 square feet office in Downtown Los Angeles with space for up to 125 people

Staffed thousands of document reviews from 1 to 300+ attorneys​

Over 1 million hours of document review annually

US and international capabilities

Foreign language capabilities

Offices in Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Nashville, New York, San Francisco, Washington, DC

ESI Processing


19 years litigation processing experience

Over 10 Petabytes culled

1 TB processing capability per day

Scalable on-demand capacity

Customized ESI protocols

ECA culling capabilities

Multiple processing options to meet the needs of every matter


Paper Discovery

Over 50 million documents digitized

200 million pages OCR’d

Locations across the United States including Los Angeles

24-hour service and support

Microsoft 365 eDiscovery


8 collection and preservation integrations (eCloudCollect, Zapproved)

Created the first-ever Microsoft eDiscovery integration (Zapproved)

Industry experts

eDiscovery and Compliance training and best practices

License review and optimization to ensure you are getting the most out of your investment

Data segregation best practices for global corporations

Search and investigation best practices

Custom development

Forensic Collections

eCloudCollect Logo.png

Over 100,000 collections performed

On-site, remote, or assisted collections

Expert collections of unstructured or complicated data sources

Forensically sound and defensible collections from

  • Social media accounts

  • Mobile phones and devices

  • Computers; laptops, desktops, servers 

  • Cloud products (like Slack and Salesforce) both domestic and international.

Cellebrite certified

Developed proprietary forensic collection platform (eCloudCollect) now Zapproved

In-House eDiscovery


19 years of litigation support experience

Outsourced litigation support allowing in-house teams to scale as needed

Expert consultants with a minimum of 15 years experience

Managed services or on-demand


Technical Integration and Automation Services

Custom app development

Expert product management with over 18 years of legal technology experience

Microsoft 365 scripting

Application integrations

Litigation Consulting

Litigation Readiness

Employee policy development and training

Customized CLEs

ESI Protocol development

Legal Technology consulting

Over 10,ooo hours of litigation consulting

Over 1000 corporate policies developed

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